Wednesday, November 19, 2008

bit of a sad moment

i had a bit of a sad moment this week about how life just keeps passing by,
i work in melbourne and catch the train and the other night a guy had been hit by a train and was trapped for 90 mins, im not sure if he died or not last i heard he was in critical condition, they pulled him out at about 7pm and i had to catch the train home that night past that station at 7.30pm and what i found really sad was that my train just pulled into that station to pick up passengers and nobody even blinked at the police and ambos that were all still there, there were people just standing around waiting for a nothing at all had happened, and some poor family out there is suffering from this accident, and we just keep going, nobody seemed to be affected at all (except me). so i just needed to share that to get it off my chest


ros said...

what a terrible thing to happen. its amazing the hustle and bustle of commuting and the rush that everyone is in these days in general. its sad to think that scenes like this (with emergency staff) are becoming a normal thing in some places. lifes way too short

ros said...

uve been tagged sharni, details r on my blog

Unknown said...

Thats really sad.We all take our lives for granted some is so precious.