Friday, December 12, 2008

what a day !!!

well yesterday was a very stressful day, it started off ok, i was looking after my friends 3 kids, i took them all for a drive and a big spider ran across the window on the outside but scared the crap out of, then after she picked them up i took my little boy into town, when i was leaving i paid for my parking then got to the boom gate and had lost the ticket, so i knocked on the window and the guy told me i had to pay $30....omg, so i run back to where i was originally parked and the ticket was there, so then i get to the boom gate and it wants another $2, so i had 2 now call the guy to come to the gate to let me out, he wasnt one bit impressed and by this stage neither was i, so we butted heads a little then he let me
then last night i was at the computer and my dh was playing the playstation ant the power flicked on and off, but we both got electric shockd from it, so we had powercore out at midnight last night, then 9 am this morning and they have just left, there was a live wire hanging off the pole outside that hit something and caused the shocks, we are all ok, but it was a little scary, so im just glad the day is over and hopefully it will be better


jess said...

oh poor didnt tell me the bit about the parking!!! LOL...what a stressful day!!!
Sorry didnt mean to laugh but you are a little miss clamity arent you!!
Thanks so much for having my kids yesterday im very grateful...xxxx

ros said...

oh sharni, what a mess. i hate those car parks and their tiny tickets. hope todays better for you